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National rice planting nears 70pc completion amid favorable weather conditions

KATHMANDU: As of now, the country has reported a 67.3 percent completion rate of rice planting for the current season. Official data reveals that rice has been cultivated on 940,500 hectares of land, marking a significant progress in this essential agricultural activity.

Provincial data provided by Hari Bahadur KC, spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, highlights the progress across various regions. The data shows that Koshi Province has achieved 61.7 percent completion, Bagmati Province stands at 69.2 percent, Gandaki Province at 75 percent, Lumbini Province at 66.7 percent, Karnali Province at 78 percent, and Sudurpaschim Province leads with 86 percent completion.

“The timely and adequate rainfall this week has greatly accelerated the pace of rice planting,” stated Hari Bahadur KC. “Farmers have been able to take advantage of the favorable weather conditions, ensuring a promising start to the season.”

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development has been closely monitoring the progress of rice planting, given its critical importance to the nation’s food security and economy. Rice is a staple food in the country, and its successful cultivation is vital for sustaining the population and maintaining economic stability.

Despite the overall positive outlook, some regions have faced challenges. In Koshi and Lumbini provinces, for instance, farmers have reported delays due to earlier periods of insufficient rainfall and logistical issues in the distribution of seeds and fertilizers. However, recent weather improvements have mitigated some of these problems, allowing for a swift catch-up in planting activities.

The Ministry has been proactive in addressing these challenges by coordinating with local agricultural offices to ensure timely support and resources for farmers. Efforts include the distribution of high-yield seed varieties, provision of technical assistance, and ensuring adequate supply of fertilizers and pesticides.

Looking ahead, the Ministry remains optimistic about achieving full rice planting coverage within the next few weeks. Continued favorable weather conditions and the dedicated efforts of the farming community are expected to drive the completion of rice planting across all provinces.

“We are committed to supporting our farmers through every step of the planting season,” Hari Bahadur KC added. “With ongoing efforts and cooperation at all levels, we anticipate a successful and productive rice harvest this year.”

The government’s focus on agricultural development and the resilience of the farming community are pivotal in ensuring food security and economic stability in the country.

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