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Cabinet greenlights renewal: Nepal Telecom set to receive new license

KATHMANDU: The Cabinet meeting held on Thursday has made a significant decision to grant a new license to Nepal Telecom, the government-owned telecommunication company. Minister for Communication and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, announced that the Cabinet directed the regulator, Nepal Telecommunication Authority, to issue a new mobile service license to Nepal Telecom.

This decision comes as the 25-year license period of Nepal Telecom, which was initially licensed on 29 Baisakh, 2056 BS, is set to expire on Friday. According to the Telecommunication Act of 2053 BS, telecommunication licenses can be granted for a maximum period of 25 years.

In line with this, Nepal Telecom, having fulfilled the requirements and paid the necessary fees for the last license renewal, is now facing the expiration of its current license. To continue its operations, the company will need to obtain a new license.

The Cabinet’s decision also includes a directive for Nepal Telecommunication Authority to facilitate the issuance of the new license to Nepal Telecom.

Regarding the financial aspect, it has been specified that a fee of Rs 210 million will be required for obtaining the new license. This fee is in accordance with the regulations governing telecommunication licenses in the country.

The decision to grant a new license to Nepal Telecom comes amidst some uncertainty surrounding the issuance of new licenses in the telecommunications sector. However, with the Council of Ministers’ decision, Nepal Telecom will be able to continue providing its services uninterrupted.

This move is expected to ensure the continuity and expansion of telecommunication services provided by Nepal Telecom across the country. It also reflects the government’s commitment to supporting and strengthening the telecommunications sector, which plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Nepal.

With the new license, Nepal Telecom will have the opportunity to further innovate and improve its services, meeting the evolving needs and demands of its customers in the digital age.

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