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Nepal Government takes steps to regulate social media with new draft legislation

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KATHMANDU: The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has crafted a preliminary bill aimed at overseeing and administering social media networks.

In response to the escalating advancements in information technology, the government is gearing up to present the bill in the Federal Parliament for regulatory measures, amid rising concerns and discussions about the responsible use and potential misuse of social platforms.

During an orientation program on digital and social media advertising regulation, organized by the Advertisement Board Nepal, Netra Prasad Subedi, the joint secretary of the ministry, disclosed that the draft bill has been formulated based on public and stakeholder input regarding the challenges associated with regulating and managing social media. The draft is slated to be publicly disclosed soon, inviting suggestions and feedback.

As the coordinator of the Bill Drafting Committee, Joint Secretary Subedi emphasized that this legislation, a first of its kind, will address issues of advertising regulation to curb the misuse and dissemination of false information on social media. The Nepalese government has already issued guidelines governing the operation of social networks.

Laxman Humagai, the Chairman of the Advertisement Board, highlighted the importance of soliciting input from advertisers, agencies, and stakeholders in shaping the proposed bill.

He asserted that while technological development and expansion cannot be impeded, it is imperative to establish regulatory standards for advertisements on electronic and social media, a task undertaken in collaboration with stakeholders.

Som Dhital, President of the Advertising Association of Nepal, stressed that the impending regulations should not lead to a reduction in the 15 percent service fee of advertising agencies.

Additionally, he emphasized the need to avoid discouraging employment in the advertising market. The president’s remarks were made in the context of preparing for the regulation’s implementation.

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