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Youth-led coalition energizes Kathmandu in Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

KATHMANDU: Kathmandu became a focal point for youth activists leading a Global Day of Action on Climate Justice. This local initiative, part of the broader Global Climate Action, resonated globally, uniting over 50 countries and 300 cities in advocating for urgent climate change measures.

The event, held at Bhirkutimandap, brought together a diverse assembly of passionate individuals committed to environmental sustainability.

The Kathmandu initiative sought to illuminate pressing climate issues, emphasizing the imperative for swift, collective action. Participants, comprising local environmental activists and concerned citizens, embarked on a symbolic march from Bhirkutimandap via Sahidgate to Indrachwok, symbolizing a unified stance against the looming threat of climate change.

Biraj Bhakta Shrestha, Member of Parliament, emphasized that Climate Justice transcends politics, advocating for collective advocacy and a unified voice. Sareesha, a student from A Rayners School, expressed gratitude for the organizers, asserting climate justice as a fundamental right for children and an indispensable cause for safeguarding future generations.

Activist Arnab Chaudhry stressed the importance of sustaining this collective voice, shedding light on the vulnerability of indigenous and marginalized communities to climate catastrophes. He emphasized the urgent need to protect these communities. Jharna Giri from the organizing team expressed gratitude to all participants and supporters, highlighting the crucial role of environmental advocacy in fostering a sustainable future.

“We extend our gratitude to all participants and supporters who made this event possible. Your commitment to environmental advocacy is crucial in fostering a sustainable future,” stated Jharna Giri from the organizing team. As we collectively raise our voices for environmental responsibility, let’s spread the message of a sustainable future. Together, let’s stand for a greener and sustainable tomorrow.

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